Where I am with the 100 Rejections Challenge
a check-in: the ups, downs and all the in-between.
How are you?
I’m still slightly confused by the fact that it is the end of August already, it might be the lack of sun and summer here in general, paired with the fact that I’ve been kept busy (thankfully) with a few jobs and projects. Honestly, I do feel a bit dishevelled but I’ll get over it I’m sure.
Time for the juice!
Back in January (probably earlier), but back in January I decided to start off the year on a positive and excitingly scary note, with a new challenge - the challenge of rejection! I’m around halfway through, maybe less, but I personally feel like I’ve changed my mindset when it comes to applying and approaching new and dream clients. No job feels impossible to apply for, if I don’t get it, cool my list gets longer, I’m closer to my target, and if I do get a positive response - holy moly, this has definitely happened more than I thought it would!
I set out in January with 3 main targets in mind, and a bunch of other small ones to help push these forward, and I am so glad to say that I have managed to achieve one of these, en route to the 2nd, and the 3rd still seeming like a teeny tiny dot on the horizon, but it’s there, everything in its own time.
I often find myself overwhelmed with all the goals, the ideas and the targets I set for myself, therefore this year was a very clearly, publishing-focused goal. I spent most of my summer (come to think of it, that’s probably where my summer ran off to), putting together my portfolio and emailing and researching agents. I got feedback from a few, no reply from some which I automatically took as a rejection after 6-8 weeks of waiting, and a very positive outcome from others, so positive that I can now proudly say that I am represented by an agent after so many years of dreaming about taking this huge step in my career!
I think the biggest win with this opportunity, is having the chance to work with someone who really believes in my work, and its potential and understands me as a creative. What I am essentially getting at here is, were it not for this Rejection Challenge I don’t think I would have had the courage to even start looking for representation, let alone get in contact and send portfolios to them! It’s made the fear of contacting and sharing my work feel like a crazy, exciting game of roulette honestly.
This was probably my biggest win this year, but I’ve had some really exciting other opportunities as well - to start off, my first stockist in around 3 years! I’ve got a few of my pieces in stock at Planet.A Boutique in Edinburgh! I’m now also a member of the Children’s Book North Directory and I’ll also be exhibiting work at the Malta National Book Fair in November!
It’s safe to say that the no’s in the rejection list outnumber the yes’s, but I am so proud of myself for taking these risks and sending those scary emails and job applications. It’s taught me to not take things too seriously, including myself, to remember that I do what I do because I enjoy it, and the worst that can come back from doing anything, is indeed a rejection this time, but who knows what it can mean for the future? I sound so poetic don’t I? But really, I’m slowly phasing out the “I won’t get this, why even bother applying” voice at the back of my head, and it feels so great to show it otherwise!
The Residency
If you’ve read any of my previous posts, you’ll know that my employer self, sent employee me on an art retreat, in my studio, for 3 months. In good ol’ Tony’s words, I was doing grrrrreeeeeeaaaat! (if you know you know) for about 3 weeks, but I have severely fallen behind schedule - what with my wonky back playing up earlier in the summer (that’s something else I‘d completely forgotten about), personal commitments and some last-minute projects all showing up at once, my plans have gone slightly askew. So I shall be picking this back up in September through to November and hopefully get some picture-book work done. I also have some exciting ideas for new tunnel-books, so I shall be locking myself away for a while to work on these.
Phew, actually I think that pretty much sums up my Summer! I’m ready for my holiday now …
Here’s some of the character progress I’ve done on my story - I’ve still a way to go but ta-da! As the lovely ladies over at the Good Ship Illustration say, “Remember there is no such thing as behind! You are exactly where you need to be.” - words to live by honestly, thankyou ❤️
Over and out.